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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-05-09 发布人:
  The corners of the telescopic tarpaulin generally need to be processed, the common way is to shear, and in the shear operation is the need to pay attention to many aspects of matters, so what are the precautions?
  During shearing, the metal near the notch is squeezed and bent by the shear. Ji 'nan telescopic tarpaulin member and weld interface position must be used milling, planing or grinding wheel grinding. When multiple parts are arranged on the steel plate and there are multiple cutting intersecting lines, reasonable cutting procedures should be arranged in advance before cutting. The bending deformation after shearing must be corrected. Rough or burr cutting surface, polished smooth. When cutting the telescopic tarpaulin, we must pay attention to many aspects, which will have a very important impact on our engineering construction.
  In addition, the telescopic canopy brings convenience to everyone at the same time, but also to remind everyone to pay attention to maintenance when using. Many people in use, not in time should not be put away effective shelter protection, will affect the service life of the telescopic tarpaulin.
  In order to extend the service life, the telescopic tarpaulin needs to be properly maintained and protected. Retractable awnings need to be closed in strong winds above six. Awning tarpaulin is a textile. If it is too fine, do not put sharp things into it to avoid damaging the tarpaulin. Guard against strong acid immersion, decaying the tarpaulin, affecting service life. Awning used for a long time to wash, undo the dust and other garbage attached to the awning, make its clean simple but elegant, extend the use of life.
  On the other hand, it is easy to be blown out in typhoon-prone areas and may even threaten the lives and property of others. Therefore, after use, the recommendation is to put away indoors.
  Moreover, in the purchase and dealers to confirm carefully, confirm the ji 'nan telescopic tarpaulin used in the end is what kind of fabric. Fabric determines the firmness of the telescopic tarpaulin in use in the future. The price of good tarpaulin fabric may be higher, but it can bring greater safety to users. A tarpaulin of mediocre quality may pose a risk for future use.
  Telescopic tarpaulin intercepts the sun at the same time can also isolate the heat in the atmosphere, greatly reduce the indoor temperature, so as to eliminate the energy consumption of air conditioning, to reach the real energy saving and environmental protection, so the use of telescopic tarpaulin is still very good. For more information, please visit www.lantianpengmo.com.
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