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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-05-04 发布人:
  Push and pull shed can be said to be a cheap material. So what components is the push and pull shed itself composed of? It is better to understand this problem in advance, which is helpful to the smooth use of everyone.
  The structure of the push-pull shed is a non-messy polygon combination, which is splined together by various parts. There are parts first, and then all the parts are assembled together, and eventually combined into a ready-made push-pull shed. So, push pull awning is divided into two components primarily, it is bracket, 2 it is tarpaulin.
  From the manufacturer's primary processing work is for the support, usually buy back of galvanized steel pipe is a root of the whole, according to each customer demand custom push-pull awning scale to further opening, splicing, cutting, bending, welding, beautification, such as technology, every process is important, the stand or fall of materials and processing technology resolution the push-pull canopy structure is safe after all.
  The support is the base, the support is not stable push pull awning to use the safety risk is very dangerous. Tarpaulin quality is also very important, galvanized steel support is not simply bad, and most of the most brief show some significant abnormal problems are in tarpaulin, so the quality control of tarpaulin suppliers is very crucial, and we push and pull awning manufacturers as cutting processing can not be ignored.
  Ji 'nan push and pull shed field assembly in addition to the quality of the material itself, the stability with the role of the device is also very related, such as parts stitching at the bite and screw tightness, parts of the device is correct or not, whether the tarps straighten fixed and so on. The manufacturing process is simple and easy to operate, we can buy component products in the market, and then manufacture the appropriate scale of the push and pull shed after your own needs.
  The above is the problem explained content, if you want to better use it, it is necessary to have a sufficient understanding of the relevant knowledge, so that the problem can be solved quickly when it occurs. For more information, please visit www.lantianpengmo.com.
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