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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2024-01-23 发布人:


1、 Before each time the retractable canopy is retracted, the inside and outside of the canopy and the support must be cleaned thoroughly. The main cleaning objects are snow, rain, dust, soil, grass, and small insects.


2、 The waterproof cloth of the sliding retractable canopy cannot be cleaned with a washing machine. Water washing, soft brushing and other cleaning methods can be used, and non alkaline cleaning agents can be used. After cleaning, the waterproof cloth must be placed in a ventilated place, dry, disassembled, and packaged in a storage bag, and stored in a dry and cool place.


3、 According to local humidity and weather conditions, regularly ventilate the waterproof cloth to avoid bacterial infection and damage the rainproof coating of the sliding sunshade.

四、推拉伸缩雨棚里用的材料不阻燃,如果你需要在帐篷里做饭,你必须让火焰远离油布,或者用火板将火焰与帐篷隔离开来,而且要 有人在看着。


4、 The materials used in the sliding and retractable canopy are not flame retardant. If you need to cook in the tent, you must keep the flames away from the tarpaulin, or use a fire board to isolate the flames from the tent, and someone must be watching.


5、 The handling process should be as light as possible to prevent damage to the outer packaging; It is expected that the local wind will exceed level 8. Please remove the tent in advance;


6、 During the rainy season, do not build tugboats near the riverbank or on dry riverbed. When stacking, the bearing capacity of each support should not exceed 200 kilograms;


7、 To prevent lightning strikes, do not place sliding rain shelters on mountaintops or in the wild; If using electrical appliances inside the tent, please note that the wires and iron frames should have good insulation, otherwise there is a risk of electric shock.

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This article is supported by technical support from Jinan Canopy. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website https://www.lantianpengmo.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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