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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-02-26 发布人:
Today, Jinan parking shed manufacturers and everyone analyze the characteristics of parking sheds collapsed by snow?
The car sheds with "7" shaped membrane structure are basically collapsed by snow. Because of its simple and beautiful appearance and superior terrain adaptability, "7" shaped shed has always been a popular choice for owners to build shed. However, from the structure of "7", we can also see that the gravity center of this shed structure is on one side of the support rod. The external force from the membrane surface is easy to break the stress balance of the shed. In addition, the elevation angle of the membrane surface is small, and there is basically no snow drainage capacity, so it is very easy to be crushed by snow.
The shed with insufficient steel is also easy to collapse by snow. For regular and experienced membrane structure companies, when designing the shed, we must pay attention to regional differences and carry out special treatment, and consider whether there are key influencing factors such as snow and typhoon, so as to strengthen the steel structure according to a certain situation. We can see that many sheds crushed by snow fall because their steel specifications are seriously substandard, resulting in the sheds unable to withstand the snow overnight and collapse without any rescue measures.
In order to reduce the snow cover, the owner should find the real material for the construction of the real film, and the main feature of the real film is to reduce the snow cover. The owner must find the real film before the construction of the real film; In addition, for areas with more snowfall, it is best to use the "t" shaped central balance shed.
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