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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-02-19 发布人:
As a building system, the characteristics of telescopic canopy structure mainly depend on its unique shape and its own performance. Because of its particularity, it can create some difficult things that cannot be realized by traditional building materials.
The design of telescopic roof structure mainly includes four problems: shape design, initial equilibrium shape analysis, load analysis and cutting analysis. Through the modeling design, the plane shape and size, three-dimensional modeling and clearance volume of the building are determined, the coordinates and structural form of each control point are determined, and the membrane material and construction scheme are selected. Initial equilibrium shape analysis is called form finding analysis.
Because the material itself has no compression and bending stiffness and poor shear strength, its stiffness and stability need to be improved by the change of membrane surface curvature and prestress. For membrane structures, there is no stress free state at any time. Therefore, the shape of membrane surface must meet the mechanical balance under certain boundary conditions and certain prestress conditions, and the load analysis and shear analysis are carried out on this basis.
At present, the shape finding analysis methods of telescopic roof structure mainly include dynamic loosening method, force density method and finite element method. The loads considered by the expansion canopy structure are generally wind load and snow load. The membrane material deforms greatly under load, and the load distribution changes with the change of shape. Therefore, the geometric nonlinear method must be used to calculate the deformation and stress of the structure. Another purpose of load analysis is to determine the initial preload of cable and membrane.
Under the action of external load, the stress increases in one direction and decreases in the other direction, which requires that the degree of initial tensile stress should be such that the pressure will not be reduced to zero under adverse load, that is, there will be no wrinkles. Because the membrane material is relatively soft and the natural vibration frequency is very low, it is easy to produce wind vibration under the action of wind load, resulting in the damage of membrane material. If the initial prestress is applied too high, the coating amount of membrane material will increase, it is easy to age and the strength reserve is insufficient. The strength requirements of stressed components are also very high, which increases the difficulty of construction and installation.
This article is provided by Jinan telescopic canopy. Our website is: https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ We will provide you with services with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit
此文关键词:Array  Array  Array  Array  

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