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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2023-02-13 发布人:
Although we see that more and more buildings are equipped with sliding awnings, we also need to know that not all buildings can be equipped with sliding awnings. It is also necessary to know whether the sliding roof meets the installation conditions before installation. So what conditions need to be met to install Jinan sliding roof?
1. Sliding awnings are generally only suitable for places with lower floors and multi-storey buildings, not for high-rise buildings, because the shading effect is not so strong in high-rise buildings.
2. When the building has a relatively high standard, the sliding awning should be used when it has one or two characteristics, that is, when the indoor temperature reaches 29 degrees and the sunlight exposure time exceeds 1 hour, the sunshade measures should be taken.
3. If you choose a sunshade system with a roller shutter box, you should try to consider whether the position of the roller shutter box has an impact on the energy saving of the wall, which is the requirement of the sliding awning fabric.
In addition, the selection of materials is very important for the special sliding roof manufacturers. Generally, materials with relatively durable quality should be selected, and a layer of imported paint should be applied on the surface of the skeleton to protect the skeleton from the sun and rain. The appearance should be considered first when making the sliding roof. It is not only required to be solid and durable, but also to look beautiful and generous. The personalized push-pull is adapted to the environment, and the products you want are shaped according to the requirements of customers.
Not only the economy of the sliding roof is considered, but also it is not affected by ultraviolet rays in terms of extending its service life. The durability of the sliding roof determines the service life of the product. For areas with more rain in the south, it is necessary to select materials with strong weather resistance to avoid being damaged by bad weather. Some products also need to pass the standards in terms of data, technology and quality, and the connection between components is also more stable and reliable.
The above is the detailed introduction of "what conditions need to be met for installing the sliding roof". If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us https://www.lantianpengmo.com !
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