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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-06-15 发布人:
Any scattered objects will have different installation sequences during installation, and different installation sequences will also determine the service life of the sliding shed, and the effect will be different after installation. So, what should we pay attention to during the installation of the sliding shed?
Although we sometimes find that we can install successfully no matter what order we follow, you will find that different installation sequences will lead to different effects. When installing the sliding shed, we should pay attention to the perfection of details, that is to say, we must pay attention to every installation detail. As long as we carefully improve and complete every detail, the effect of the overall installation can be truly guaranteed.
The installation sequence of Jinan push-pull shed is not sequential. It can be used as long as we can install it, but we must pay attention to many details that must be paid attention to in the installation process. We have improved the installation details of the entire telescopic mobile canopy to determine the safety of future use. Installers in this regard should consider and know. In fact, the installation of push-pull shed is a work that many people are concerned about. Only after we fully understand the actual situation in this regard can we better serve our customers.
In addition, the beautiful push-pull shed requires not only internal design, but also good external design. The choice of raw materials should also pay attention to fashion and good color matching. Only in this way can it be very natural and integrate with the surrounding environment as a part of the building.
In terms of installation measures, it shall be noted that protective measures shall be installed during use, including all entrances and exits, passageways, etc. to ensure the safety of personnel access, and work personnel shall wear safety helmets and work clothes.
When some power needs to be used during installation, it shall be approved by the local power industry department. During the construction of wires, it shall be ensured that the power supply can be connected with ground wire during the construction of the project to avoid leakage events.
When using the scaffold tools of Jinan push-pull shed, the scaffold scaffold shall be installed in strict accordance with the scaffold procedures to avoid mistakes. To sum up, we have learned about the installation and construction of the sliding shed, which can be used in future construction.
I hope the above can help you. For more relevant information, you can follow our website https://www.lantianpengmo.com , contact the professional customer service personnel to explain more and more detailed contents or questions for you, so that you can get some information here!
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