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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-05-23 发布人:
In the process of use, if the tarpaulin leaks rain, you can find the manufacturer to replace the tarpaulin in time. If not replaced in time, the longer the delay, the greater the damage to the bone; Replace the tarpaulin in time.
Then look at the skeleton. You need to pay attention. When installing the movable canopy, the manufacturer will take corresponding fixing measures. If fixed measures are taken, the wind resistance effect will reach about 7-8; After a certain service life, if the wind is usually only level 3-4 and the main body of the canopy is shaking, you should pay attention to whether the fixed part is loose or the skeleton part is falling off; Find and deal with problems in time; If the situation is serious, judge whether the canopy should continue to be used in time.
If the canopy is damaged, it depends on whether it can be used, for example:
The shed surface is damaged. This can be divided into two cases, one is structural damage, the other is material damage. The former mainly refers to cracks on the surface of aluminum alloy, which can not effectively drain water, or wrinkles. The latter is mainly manifested in that the coating on the surface of aluminum alloy begins to fall off, the surface is not easy to clean, and the coating shows signs of aging.
The whole canopy is damaged. This situation is relatively rare. It is generally the result of the comprehensive action of many factors, and is often accompanied by sudden characteristics, such as the external environment in case of bad weather, crown surface, node damage and disaster.
The node is damaged. Because Jinan canopy needs to be combined with other materials such as steel cable, and the main function is node. Originally, the aluminum profile will be damaged during connection, which is easy to appear in the process of connection. In case of excessive stress concentration, this part becomes vulnerable. All these have had a negative impact on the normal use of buildings.
Other forms of damage. This mainly refers to the damage that has occurred during the installation process. For example, the remedial measures taken after improper installation have a certain impact on the building itself. For more information, please visit www.lantianpengmo.com Com follow the consultation!
此文关键词:Array  Array  Array  Array  

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