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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2023-06-19 发布人:
In summer, rainwater will gradually increase in many areas, which is a test for parking sheds. If water accumulates, it can cause serious harm to the parking sheds. At the same time, the increase in rainwater also increases the risk of steel structure corrosion. Therefore, when using parking sheds in Jinan in summer, it is necessary to avoid water accumulation on the membrane surface.
Reason for membrane area water:
In general, the accumulation of water in parking sheds is mainly due to the design not considering drainage issues, and the unreasonable height difference setting, which leads to the membrane surface being too flat and causing poor drainage, resulting in accumulation of water. There are also cases where the membrane surface is not tensioned enough during construction, and accumulation of water is not removed under the coupling effect of wind loads.
Hazards of membrane area water:
The membrane material is prone to significant creep when subjected to long-term stretching. The accumulation of rainwater will cause the membrane surface to sink and deform more and more seriously, resulting in the formation of huge water bags, affecting the overall aesthetics and safety of the parking shed. If there is too much water accumulation, it can also cause the membrane surface to tear and even damage the supporting structure.
Maintenance measures:
On rainy days, especially heavy rain, arrange a dedicated person to regularly check the water condition of the parking shed film area. If small areas of water accumulation are found, manual drainage should be carried out immediately. The method is to wrap a soft towel around the top of a wooden stick (other tools are also available), and use a wooden stick to top up below the water accumulation. Be careful not to use too much force to restore the flatness of the film surface, so that the water accumulation can be eliminated.
In addition, before the arrival of the rainy season, the steel structure of the parking shed should be strictly inspected. If any corroded parts are found, the surface should be cleaned of dust, grease, and thick rust. After disposal, the surface should have an average white metallic luster. Then carry out the repainting operation by applying one coat of primer to the repainting area and then a second coat of anti-corrosion topcoat. After drying and forming a film, inspect the repaired area to ensure that there are no cracks, peeling, or other issues.
The above are also the correct maintenance measures for the parking shed in summer, mainly focusing on targeted maintenance of membrane area water and steel structure corrosion. For more related matters, come to our website https://www.lantianpengmo.com consulting service
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