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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2023-01-30 发布人:
Although membrane structure membrane sunshade has a wide range of applications, not everyone knows what kind of building structure membrane structure is. In fact, a reliable membrane sunshade is a structural system composed of the membrane unit itself and the tensile stress generated by the support rod or cable. How to design a high-quality Jinan telescopic shed?
1. Stress analysis
When designing the membrane sunshade, the stress analysis of the membrane structure must be done well. The finite element method is usually used to calculate the response of membrane structures under external loads such as snow load and dead weight. Geometric nonlinearity should be considered in the calculation, while physical nonlinearity can be ignored. In the process of static analysis, if there is compressive stress in the membrane element, the role of the membrane element in the structural analysis can be ignored, but the stiffness matrix cannot be singular.
2. Consider wind load
Because the membrane structure is smaller than other traditional structures in terms of weight, flexibility and natural vibration frequency, static and seismic actions do not play a leading role, but under the wind load, it is easy to cause wind vibration of the structure, leading to the tearing of membrane materials. Therefore, when designing the membrane sunshade, the wind load should be calculated according to the local wind conditions.
3. Find the shape first
The so-called form-finding is to find a reasonable space form according to the characteristics of membrane materials and the requirements of architects. In the film shading design, form-finding design is one of the key and difficult points. In order to make the space shape more reasonable, the force density method, dynamic relaxation method and nonlinear finite element method are usually used to find the shape.
Because of its reliable performance, beautiful, economical and practical, the telescopic shed will be selected in many places now. However, in order to make the telescopic shed durable, it is necessary to do a good job in shape finding, stress analysis and wind load calculation in the design, and make the membrane surface have a certain curvature, so that the completed telescopic shed can not only be used, but also have great stiffness and good aesthetic effect. Come to our website for more relevant content https://www.lantianpengmo.com consulting service
此文关键词:Array  Array  Array  Array  

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