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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-09-17 发布人:
How long can Jinan sliding awning last? In fact, the longevity of the sliding awning is affected by many factors. However, in general, the skeleton of the sliding awning can last for more than five years.
Scope of application: logistics storage, outdoor stalls, temporary warehouses, large parking lots, car washing rooms, farmers' markets, etc.
Advantages of sliding awning: It is simple and convenient to install, and can be moved or retracted at will. The universal wheel moving wheel can be fixed on the ground, and it is simple and convenient to use. It can be retracted and pushed, and does not occupy the site. The materials are safer, the construction process is simpler and more convenient, and there is no need to worry about any potential quality and safety problems, and there is no pollution to the environment.
Therefore, its longevity is related to the sunshine. However, the intensity of sunshine varies from place to place, and also varies with the change of seasons. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize when we comment on the longevity of push and pull awnings.
Generally speaking, the longevity of the sliding awning refers to its total use time. For example, the same sliding awning is used all the year round and the other is used occasionally in a year. The one that has been used can only be used for 5 years, while the one that has been used occasionally can be used for 10 years. Although the difference is so great, the use time is the same.
If the method of using the sliding canopy is correct, and the product does not have any problems, and we have also done regular protection work, the sliding canopy can have a service life of 5 to 7 years even if it is continuously used throughout the year.
How long can the sliding awning last? We have made a very simple analysis of this problem above, and hope to help you. Please come to our website for more precautions https://www.lantianpengmo.com Consult.
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