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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2022-08-24 发布人:
In recent years, sunshades are used more and more in cities, and the effect is getting better and better, which is favored by many people. Does Jinan sunshade need regular maintenance? Today, I will share my answers with you.
1. Use professional cleaning agent to regularly clean the sunshade. From the technical point of view, the membrane structure does not need to be clear. However, in order to prolong the service life of the device, it must be cleaned regularly.
2. In order to keep the drainage of the membrane surface unblocked, it is necessary to check and clean it irregularly in rainy and snowy seasons. In areas where the snow load of the membrane structure is relatively large, it is necessary to find ways to melt and drain the snow, so as to avoid the deformation of the sunshade under the action of the snow load, which will lead to water accumulation.
3. In general, the sunshade is very slippery in the wet state. For safety, after the completion of the membrane structure, the safety net shall be arranged to avoid accidents.
Since the sunshade is generally used in the open air, it is inevitable that it will be contaminated with many natural and man-made dirt. If it is not cleaned for a long time, these dirt will accumulate year after year. On the one hand, it may cause irreversible damage, and on the other hand, it will affect the beauty of the sunshade. Therefore, after regularly cleaning the dirt, a special person can spray a little new paint to cover the dirt and scratches.
Although it is very necessary to maintain the sunshade regularly at ordinary times, it is also necessary to strengthen the maintenance in specific seasons, because it often snows in winter in the north, and typhoons often occur in coastal areas in summer in the south. Therefore, in specific seasons in these areas, it is necessary to strengthen the care of the parking shed.
The sunshade needs regular maintenance, so that the service life will be longer. I hope you can maintain it according to the above methods. For more information, please visit our website https://www.lantianpengmo.com Consult.
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