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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2023-12-25 发布人:


The increasing number of customers for push-pull retractable canopies is enough to prove that membrane structure push-pull canopies are gradually favored by most customers, some of which are rainproof and sunshade in front of shop doors, have night snack stalls, and have factories that need temporary warehouses, and so on. Sometimes it is necessary to shrink the entire membrane structure of the push-pull shed, but some customers are not very clear about this push-pull technique, which makes it difficult to operate or wastes time.


Perhaps you have a question: isn't this just a membrane structure sliding rain shelter? Would it be troublesome to put it away? In fact, the push-pull canopy itself cannot withstand strong winds of 7-8 levels. Therefore, the technical department has proposed a solution to fix the wheels on the ground using connecting and top explosion-proof screws, so that it can withstand winds of 7-8 levels.


Now let me tell you the details that need to be paid attention to when the Taixin membrane structure retracts and retracts the canopy. As long as you master them, you can freely push, pull, and stretch.


1. Remove the fixed chain on the ground of the pillar.


2. Pay attention to the surrounding fabric on both sides. If the surrounding fabric is made on both sides and is close to the ground, measures should be taken to prevent the surrounding fabric from getting stuck by the rolling casters when shrinking.



3. We need four people, one on each side and one in each corner. Each person holds two pillars in their hand. They need to shrink to the other side. If two people use different forces, the ceiling will tilt and not shrink, and the same goes for opening the ceiling.


4. Attention! The degree of shrinkage of the shed should be half of the expansion length. For example, if the length of the canopy is 10 meters, it is recommended to shrink it to 5 meters and not shrink it again, and so on.


5. When the Taixin membrane structure push-pull retractable rain shelter is placed in the ideal position, it is necessary to fix the ground on both sides of the membrane structure push-pull retractable rain shelter to prevent natural disasters and avoid unnecessary losses.


1、 How to remove stains on the sliding and retractable canopy of the membrane structure?


Firstly, fully open the membrane structure of the sliding rain shelter, sprinkle cleaning agent or laundry detergent, gently brush with a soft bristled brush, and rinse with clean water.


2、 Can the wet membrane structure sliding shed be immediately put away?


If it has just rained and the weather has cleared or the sliding tent has just been cleaned, and it is still wet, it is not advisable to immediately shrink it, as this will accelerate the speed of tent damage. The film can only be retracted after it has dried. It is recommended to fully unfold it and let it dry naturally before shrinking.


Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Jinan Telescopic Shed. For more information and questions, please click: https://www.lantianpengmo.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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